APU Researchers and Educators Network
Kanduboda, P.B.(カンダ)
kanda8017@gmail.com (Please put the subject as “About APUREN”)
To all the APU graduates. We are happy to announce that we established a new community under the APU alumni association, APUREN (APU Researchers and Educators Network). The primary purpose of the APUREN is to support graduates, current students, and lecturers to build network and promote exchange, especially those who are engaged in research and education fields. The main events, for the time being, are as follows. 1. Networking and information exchange To create an environment where all the intended members can share information and promote exchange beyond countries, specialties, we will offer a platform utilizing the present social network system (e.g., Facebook and mailings). 2.Annual gathering @ APU Conference An annual meeting will be held during the APU conference to discuss and decide future activities. Besides, we are planning to establish a graduates’ session (with presentations) that will allow members to demonstrate their educational and research achievements. It is hoped that this session will offer a great insight to current students in deciding their future career (scheduled to start in 2020). In addition, a panel discussion will be held to promote interaction with current students, teachers, and community members to share further details in related fields. We look forward to meeting you all