Article 1The name of the Association shall be the “Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Alumni Association”, abbreviated as “APU Alumni Association”.
Article 2 The Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Alumni Association aims to promote the development of the Association and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (hereinafter, “APU”) and to foster friendly relations amongst its members.
Article 3The functions of this Association shall be as follows:
(1)To facilitate projects and initiatives as APU’s Alumni Association.
(2)To foster and promote friendly relations amongst members, for the
    development of the Association.
(3)To gather and manage members’ information for the purpose of linking
    members together.
(4)To facilitate activities that will contribute to the development of APU.
(5)To facilitate projects that will encourage and support APU.
(6)To collaborate with the Ritsumeikan Academy, the Academy’s member schools
    and the alumni associations thereof.
(7)To carry out other activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Association.
Article 4The Association’s headquarters shall be located within APU and Chapters established in Japan and overseas as the need arises.
Article 51.The Association’s membership shall be comprised of the following members:   
   (1) Full members   
   (2) Partial members   
   (3) Faculty & staff members   
   (4) Nominated members
2. “Full members” shall refer to graduates from APU Colleges or Graduate School.
3. “Partial members” shall refer to the following persons:
   (1) Students currently enrolled in APU Colleges or Graduate School
   (2) Persons who have a record of enrollment at APU but do not fall within
        section 2 above
4. “Faculty & staff members” shall refer to current and past APU faculty and staff.
5. “Nominated members” shall refer to persons who have made outstanding
    contributions to the Association or APU or persons who wish to make a
    contribution to the Association or APU and have been approved by the
    Board Team.
6. Members are required to pay the lifetime membership fee as stipulated in the
7. In some cases, members who have not yet paid their membership fees will
    not be provided the same services as those who have paid.  
Article 6The Association shall have a Support Team to support the management and activities of the Association and the activities carried out by each respective Chapter.   
(1) Chairperson : 1 person   
(2) Vice Chair : 3 person or less people   
(3) Directors : 5 or more people   
(4) Head of the Secretariat : 1 person  
(5) Chapter Leaders : Same as number of chapter   
(6) Auditor : 1 person   
(7) Honorary Chairperson : 1 person   
(8) Advisor : As needed   
(9) Project Coordinator : As needed
Article 71. A Board Team shall be established under the Association.
2. A Board Team shall be established under the Association. The Board Team comprised of the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Directors and Head of the Secretariat shall hold Board Meetings.
3. The Chairperson shall chair the Board Meeting. The Auditor shall also be a member.
4.The Board Team shall have authority over the following administrative tasks:
    (1) Account Settlement and Budget  
    (2) Alumni General Assembly  
    (3) Changes in the Regulations of the Association  
    (4) Approval of nominated members as stipulated in Article 5  
    (5) Approval of the Vice Chair and Advisor, as well as appointment of the
         Auditor, as stipulated in Article 9  
    (6) Acceptance of the Chairperson, Directors, Chapter Leaders, Head of the
         Secretariat and Honorary Chair as stipulated in Article 9   
    (7) Other important matters
5. As stipulated in the regulations, the Board Meeting shall convene once or more each year. Items to be decided must be passed by a majority of those in attendance. However, changes to the Association’s Regulations must be passed by a two-thirds majority of those in attendance.
Article 81.The term of office for the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Directors, Auditor and Chapter Leaders shall be four fiscal years. Each can hold office for a maximum of two terms. The term of office for an Advisor shall be determined by the Chairperson.
2. The office term for members elected as substitute Support Team members shall be the remaining term of their predecessor’s appointment.
3. Support Team members shall carry out their duties until the next re-election.
4. In principle, the term shall start in April, when the new fiscal year begins.
5. Partial members cannot be a member of a Board Team, a chapter leader or sub leader, or an accountant.
Article 9Support Team members shall be elected in the following manner:

(1) The Chairperson shall be elected by ballot. The successful candidate shall be announced to the Board Team. The voting process shall be determined separately.
(2) The Vice Chair shall be appointed by the Chairperson and approved by the Board Team.
(3) Candidates to become Directors can be recommended by an alumnus/alumna or submit self nominations to the nomination committee, who shall then evaluate the submission and submit a report to the Board Team. The Board Team shall appoint successful candidates.
(4) Chapter Leaders shall be selected from within each Chapter’s General Assembly. The successful candidates shall be announced to the Board Team.
(5) Chapter Leaders, Board members and the Auditor may not hold other posts within the Association.
(6) The Head of the Secretariat shall be recommended to the Board Team by the Secretariat. Approval of the proposed candidate shall then be conducted by the Board Team, excluding the Head of the Secretariat.
(7) The Honorary Chairperson shall be recommended by APU to the Board Team. Approval of the proposed candidate shall then be conducted by the Board Team.
(8) An Advisor may be appointed following deliberation by the Board Meeting.
(9) The Auditor shall be appointed by the Board Meeting.
(10) Project Coordinator shall be selected by the Board Team.
Article 10The Support Team’s powers and duties shall be as follows:

(1) The Chairperson shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the Association’s activities as well as representing the Association.
(2) The Vice Chair shall support the Chairperson.
(3) The Directors shall be divided by tasks and work to carry out and support the Association’s activities.
(4) Chapter leaders shall be responsible for the operation of activities relating to the Alumni Association in the Chapter to which they are affiliated
(5) The Auditor shall audit the Association’s accounts and may audit the activities.
(6) The Head of the Secretariat shall be responsible for the Association’s clerical work.
(7) The Honorary Chairperson may provide counsel to the Board Team in an advisory capacity.
(8) An Advisor’s duties shall be assigned by the Chairperson. An Advisor shall attend the Board Meeting and may provide counsel.
(9) The Project Coordinator shall be responsible for the project.
Article 111.The Association shall hold the APU Alumni Association General Assembly once a year. Irregular assemblies will be held at the discretion of the Board Team.
2. The General Assembly shall be held to achieve the following:   
    (1) To receive reports on the Association’s activities and finances from the
          Board Team   
    (2) To promote member interaction and friendship
3. The Chairperson shall be the Head of the General Assembly
4. The Chairperson shall convene the Assembly. The date, time and place of the Assembly shall be announced to members in an appropriate fashion.
Article 121. Board members and Chapter Leaders may be dismissed upon the recommendation of a disciplinary Committee.
2. Disciplinary Committees shall be organized by the APU Alumni Association Secretariat. When necessary, a disciplinary Committee may include members from the Support Team.
3. Any members and groups who disgrace the Association or damage its name may be removed from membership after the Board Meeting.
Article 131. The Association shall be managed on membership fees, donations and other such revenue.
2. The lifetime membership fee of the Association is 20,000 yen.
Article 141. The fiscal year of the Association shall start on the 1st of April and end on the 31st of March each year.
2. A report of the Association’s activities and finances must be given to members at the end of every fiscal year.
Article 15Regulations pertaining to the Association’s Accounts shall be outlined separately.
Article 161. A Secretariat shall be established to oversee the administrative work of the Association.
2. The Secretariat of the Association shall be placed within Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
Article 17Any revisions to or deletions from the Association Regulations will be carried out by the Board Meeting and reported to the members in an appropriate fashion.


Supplementary provision

The Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on March 1, 2003.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on July 16, 2006.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on June 10, 2007.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on June 28, 2008.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on December 12, 2009.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on April 1, 2011.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on October 27, 2011.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on January 22, 2012.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Student & Alumni Association came into effect on October 5, 2012.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association came into effect on December 15, 2013.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association came into effect on December 7, 2014.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association came into effect on February 5, 2017.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association came into effect on February 21, 2018.
Amendments to the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association came into effect on March 5, 2020.