All-Ritsumeikan Alumni Gathering 2024(October 20th)
Oita Chapter General Assembly and Spring Homecoming Day (March 24, 2024)
Fukuoka Chapter General Assembly & SPRING JUMBO PARTY
Celebrating 20 Years of the APU Alumni Association: A Recap of APU Global Family Day (Dec. 16, 2023)
20th Anniversary: Oct 14-15, 2023 Europe Chapter General Assembly in Lisbon, Portugal! | Dec16, 2023 “APU Global Family Day” at APU!
APU Alumni Association 20th Anniversary – International Cooperation Career Event
Infomation from Ritsumeikan University Alumni Association
OIC connect #2 to be held
APU Startup Founders 7th meeting
SDG Seminar vol.1: The “reality” of the apparel industry and the future that the world will tackle
APU Kids School & Children’s Summer Festival
Notice of an online catch-up Vol.10(Iitomo APU)