Kansai Chapter: Morning activity“SPRING MOVIE THEARER”

Spring is around the corner.

It is the season for beginning of something new endeavor or encounter. How have you been to spend your day off ??
Did you meet with something good movie nowadays??
Let’s share good one together////

【Date】 3/20(Sun) AM10:30〜12:00
【Place】  ZOOM online
【participates】 APU families
【Needs】Coffee or Beer/ recommendation movie /wifi
【Fee 】 Free

Starts at 2nd period.
Bring your movie info and drinks !

Join us with your friend and fill out the questionnaire from the link below. 

The we will forward invitation to you.
We are looking forward to seeing you all !

【Participation format】

【Review from last time】
Kansai Chapter Website:COVID企画第2回:オトナの読書会〜藝術は生命維持装置になりうるのか〜(English below)