APU African Resource Centre Welcome Party Held (Oct 5, 2013)

APU African Resource Centre (ARC), the African chapter of the APU Alumni Association had a dinner on Saturday, October 5th to welcome new students to Beppu. The event also served as a welcome for students who had gone toAfrica for volunteer and research back to Beppu. The dinner was held at Usagi to tora, a Korean restaurant owned by an APU graduate, and was attended by 16 persons, including a new Kenyan student attending Beppu Daigaku.


At the dinner, students were able to share experience and ideas on how to survive and thrive in Beppu. Key among this was how to improve language learning. Those present also welcomed back members of the African research centered circle “Zero” who had gone toMalawiandEthiopiaover the summer to conduct research, as well as a student who had gone toKenyafor a volunteer project. Preparations for the upcoming African Week were also touched upon.


ARC hopes to have more social mixers in the future at different venues in Japan as well as in Africa. We hope that you will be able to join us.


To see more photos from the event and for updates on upcoming events, visit (and “like”) our Facebook page at: