Message to Former Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Students

(Message from Japan Student Services Organization :JASSO)

Message to Former Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Students 

We hope this finds you well and successful following the completion of your studies at APU.
Those of you who were Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) scholarship students while at
the university have likely commenced the repayment of that scholarship in October. Scholarship
repayments should be taking place through account transfers. However, similar to previous years,
the initial account transfer for this purpose has not been successfully completed for some of you.

Failure to complete this initial account transfer may cause delays in repayment to occur. A cycle of
delayed repayments can be difficult to break out of.

To ensure that such a situation does not transpire, we provided explanations and handed out
materials to you on several occasions since the time you were enrolled at the university. With this
letter, we will take the liberty of calling your attention to points that we touched upon in those
explanations and materials once more.

Are your repayments being properly transferred from your account?
Is it possible that you have received an invoice from by JASSO due to not carrying out account
transfer procedures, but have yet to make your repayments?
Please be reminded of these two points.

In the event that it is difficult to make repayments, note that systems such as one for postponed
repayment schedules and another for reduced repayments* are available. Please call the “JASSO
Repayment Consultation Center” about your situation right away. Make sure to have your
scholarship student number ready when you do.

*You may not take advantage of the reduced repayment system if you have opted for the “Income-Contingent
Repayment Plan” for Category 1 Loans.

This letter has generally been sent to former scholarship students whose repayment schedule has
begun this October. Please note that if you have already repaid your scholarship, submitted your
Notification of Enrollment or completed procedures for postponing your repayment schedule or
other procedures, you do not need to carry out any procedures, etc. in particular.

As of the 2017 academic year, information on the granting and repayment of scholarships for each
institution has been made publicly available on JASSO’s website. Please note that your scholarship
repayments as former scholarship students are used to fund the next round of scholarships. We hope
that you will keep this firmly in mind for the sake of your underclassmen.
“JASSO Repayment Consultation Center” TEL: 0570-666-301
(Dedicated line for calling from overseas or calling from certain mobile phones/IP phones:
For further details, please go here: