APU Alumni Association
Support Change Makers Fund

Purpose of the APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund

We, the members of the APU Alumni Association, hope that everyone involved with APU will continue to remain interested in world events, even after they graduate. We aim to sincerely confront social issues, act with intent and responsibility, and work together with everyone to transform society. 

In 2019, the APU Alumni Association launched the "Support Change Makers" to support current students to become change makers who change the world. The APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund is based on this "Support Change Makers" and continues its mission to produce change makers.

We are always there with you, whether you are a student, another alumnus, a faculty or staff member of APU, or a citizen of Beppu City or Oita Prefecture. Our ties with all of you are a treasure to be cherished. We take pride in being able to create the future with everyone, while never forgetting the value of the relationships and culture we have established to this point. With the APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund, we sincerely hope that we can continue to share the values we hold dear and work together to build a more tight-knit society. 

Give Now

Mission of the APU Alumni
Association Support Change
Makers Fund

A platform to fully support efforts to produce change makers from APU!

The APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund is a donation program that aims to produce change makers from APU who want to transform society and to provide them with our full support. This fund encourages APU students, alumni and all stakeholders to take an interest in world events and support the challenge of social change.

In today’s unpredictable and turbulent times, we need to respect each other, help each other, and encourage each other to excel. The APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund intends to cultivate interest in the world and the communities in which we live and give everyone the supportive push they need to take the first step. We want to support people who have the courage and the willingness to keep trying, regardless of past success or failure.

Support Programs Funded
by the Foundation

  • Support for initiatives to realize a convivial society

    In recent years, the retention of overseas human resources and support for refugees and evacuees have become one of the most important social issues in Japan and abroad.
    Starting in FY2024, we will support survey and research activities on such social issues by university faculty, staff, and students. In the mid- to long-term perspective, we will support not only research and surveys but also initiatives and practices that set excellent precedents.

  • Off-Campus Study Program Development Support

    "Off-campus study program" is the umbrella term for a range of overseas and domestic programs that provide APU students with opportunities to learn and engage in practical activities around the world and in the local community. Utilizing our worldwide alumni network, we plan to support the development and expansion of the program in collaboration with alumni working for international organizations starting in FY2024.

  • Students' Action Support

    We support students to ask their own questions about social issues and initiate or participate in projects with domestic and international universities and research institutions.
    We expect that student collaboration and problem solving in international projects will bring valuable learning and experience and play an important role in helping students develop a global perspective and teamwork. We help students gain not only experience working with people from different perspectives and cultures, but also gain independent leadership and real-world problem-solving skills.

  • ※ We will provide regular annual performance reports to all donors.


Yoshinobu Okada

“Where there is a will, there is a way.” This is one of my favorite sayings. In today’s uncertain society, our daily lives are not always sunshine and roses; we often encounter difficult situations and must weather the storm. But we can never give up. Especially when we face adversity, I believe it is important that we look to the future, support each other, and help each other become better people. 

We have established the APU Alumni Association Support Change Makers Fund. This fund is designed to nurture future Change Makers. As alumni, we wish to wholeheartedly support students who sincerely face social challenges. Our wish is to respect their challenges and support each one of them to the best of our ability. This fund is part of our way of giving back to them. Our goal is to encourage APU students, alumni, and concerned individuals to take positive action to bring awareness to the realities of the world. We respect each other, cooperate with each other, and are on a mission to transform society.

Project initiator
Yoshinobu Okada
(College of Asia Pacific Studies 2006, Japan)

Click here to see messages
of support for the Fund.

note+ Link to external site.

How to Give

Fixed-Amount Donation

We accept fixed-amount donations recurring every month or every year.
Please set your desired donation amount: ¥1,000, ¥1,500, and so on.

Individual Donor

① Apply online
Jump to the link below.

Donations via credit card

② Apply by post
Your donation will be automatically withdrawn from the bank account you designate. Please download the “Direct Deposit Donation Form” below. After filling in the necessary information and affixing your seal (inkan), send the form by post to the address below. You do not need to make a visit to your banking institution to donate.
* If you would like to donate from an overseas account, please inquire at the address/number below. We will determine whether or not a direct deposit can be made from your account.

Donations viadirect deposit

One Time Donation

Supporters may make contributions in a variety of ways, including by credit card, Japan Post Bank remittance, or bank account transfer.

Individual Donor

① Apply online
Jump to the link below.

Donations via credit card

② Apply by post or E-mail
Please contact the Secretariat for Donations to receive the necessary forms. After filling in the necessary information, please send it to the address below by post or email.

Corporate Donor

Please contact the Secretariat for Donations to receive the necessary forms. After filling in the necessary information, please send it to the address below by post or email.
*If your corporation is considering a “Designated Recipient Donation” (eligible for tax deduction), please contact us in advance.

My Name Fixed-Amount Donation

You can add your name or the name of your company to your donation.
If you are considering supporting us, please contact the Secretariat for Donations.

Individual Donors:

Donations must total at least ¥100,000 per year and continue for at least three years.

Group/Corporate Donors:

Donations must total at least ¥1,000,000 per year and continue for at least three years.


We also accept donations according to the donor's wishes.
Please contact the Secretariat for Donations for more information.

Secretariat for Donations

Outreach and Research Office
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Address: 1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu-shi, Oita 874-8577 Japan
E-mail: giving@apu.ac.jp
Tel: 0977-78-1136
Office hours: Weekdays 9:30-16:30

Tax Incentives

For individuals paying taxes in Japan

Individuals making donations to APU are eligible for incentives on income tax.
For more information, please see the following page.

For organizations paying taxes in Japan

Organizations such as companies can receive tax deductions on the income of the previous year for donations made.
For more information, please see the following page.


Donor voices, program progress, and more,
Click here for the most recent information.



  • Donor Log

    To show our appreciation, donor names and donation amounts will be listed in the Donor Log on the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University website as well as on the Ritsumeikan Trust website.

    View Donor Log

  • Name Plaque

    As a sign of appreciation for their contribution to the university, those who give extraordinary contributions will have their names listed on a commemorative plaque prominently displayed on the APU campus.

  • Certificate of Appreciation

    APU will issue certificates of appreciation to donors who contribute 100,000 yen or more.