Alumni Foreign Aid Officer delivered a lecture 校友のAidオフィサーの講演がありました

Ms. Lilika Fusimalohi, GSA graduate 2008 and Senior Program Manager, Economic and Public Sector Governance and Private Sector Development, Australian Aid Program, Australian High Commission, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, came back to APU and shared her experience at her current job and APU on Friday, February 13.

It was indeed an inspiring for students who wish to go into the international development aid sector as the story was told by a former APU student.

2008GSA卒の校友Ms. Lilika Fusimalohiが2月13日金曜日、APUに戻ってこられ、自分のAPUや現在の職務での経験を学生に語ってくれました。Lilikaさんは現在、トンガ王国首都のNuku’alofaにあるオーストラリア高等弁務官事務所のAustralian Aid ProgramでSenior Program Manager, Economic and Public Sector Governance and Private Sector Developmentとして働いています。
