2014General Assembly by USTREAM held

On Saturday, May 17, APU Alumni Association’s first online General Assembly by USTREAM was held about one hour from 14:00.  Chair Person Yoshida, CFO Xenia, and Ms. Oku Arika who was MC representing alumni members, OTSUKARE SAMA DESHITA!

The USTREAM had been cut off several times due to technical problems, which we regret.  However, we will improve them to continue the online General Meeting in order for more alumni all over the world can take part in under the same condition.  

You can still watch the General Assembly on Alumni Association’s USTREAM channel until the mid June.

The URL has been removed because the link is obsolete (as of August 2023).

Several important issues will be continued to discuss at Chapter Leader’s Meeting held in Seoulon August 2nd and 3rd. All the chapters are expected to discuss those issues in advance.

Please refer to this webpage for the agenda.

The URL has been removed because the link is obsolete (as of August 2023).



APU Alumni Association