10th Anniversary Grand Finale concluded the 10th Anniversary/10周年記念グランドフィナーレが10周年の最後を飾りました!

Declaring ” I have a DREAM” after the tug of war

November1-2, together with Tenkusai, the Grand Finale has started and ended to put the period to our 10the Anniversary.
To note, we have made a great step towards our 20th Anniversary with the Guinness World Record in the tug of war by most multi nationalities of people from 52 countries!
Here is the message from the Steering Committee.
【Thank you and request】
We have concluded our 10th Anniversary which went on more than 1 year. I sincerely appreciate all the cooperation you offered. We have made a logo, a mascot and a flag to go around 13 countries to get alumni’s messages written on. The total number of participants accounts for about 700 (tentative). For the Finale, alumni from all over the world came and APU’s three Presidents also joined us. I feel we had a blast.
It is all for your cooperation from all over the world. Those of you who Managed the local chapters, carried out the events, students, and many more, who I have not even ever talked to, I would like to express my very best gratitude. Thank you very much!
Yohei Yagi, Chairperson, The 10th Anniversary Steering Committee
Those of you who joined the Finale, please fill up the questionnaire.
The URL has been removed because the link is obsolete (as of August 2023).
You can jump from this URL. Let us hear your feed backs!!
Onegai shimasu!
ロゴやマスコットを作ったり、旗を作って世界13ヵ国を回って多くの方々にメッセージを頂いたりもしました。総参加者は700名を超えるみたいです(集計 中)。フィナーレでは初代から現在までの学長先生が多忙の中お越しいただき、卒業生も世界中から集まっていただき最高の盛り上がりがあったと感じていま す。
【 お願い】
The URL has been removed because the link is obsolete (as of August 2023).
10周年記念企画実行委員会代表 八木洋平