[Important]About “New Approach After CLM (Chapter Leaders Meeting)”
APU Alumni Association held Chapter Leaders Meeting (CLM) on August 2-3, 2015 at Seoul with two representatives from each chapter. The Board Team has continuously been discussing, or occasionally had dialogue with chapter leaders, based on the issues and the achievements from the Meeting.
The Board Team has come to conclude the discussion by compiling “New Approach After CLM” which consists of four parts,
- “Visions of APU Alumni Association” which envisions the future of the association in the long term.
- “About the implementation of Regional Leaders Meeting (RLM)” which aims more efficient management of the Association.
- “How to be involved in APU Alumni Association and the merits of being involved” in which advantages of the Association are presented.
- “Regarding the establishment of Assist Team” which aims to reinforces the support to chapters and each members.
Please take a look of them in order to share where the Alumni Association is going.
1.Visions of APU Alumni Association
2.About the implementation of Regional Meeting(RLM)
3.How to be involved in APU Alumni Association and the merits of being involved
4.Regarding the establishment of Assist team
Board Team, APU Alumni Association