Beijing Chapter has been launched!

On Saturday June 22,  the Beijing Chapter was launched as the APU Alumni Association’s 22nd Chapter at Hotel New Otani Chang Fu Gong.  In addition to more than 30 APU alumni, there were Mr. Cui and Mr.Hayashi, President and Vice President of the Beijing Ritsumeikan University Alumni Association, Mr.Tokumaru, the Chairman of Oita Kenjinkai (party for people from Oita) in Beijing and Professor Porter, Pro Vice President of APU to celebrate the inaugural ceremony.

Mr. Bai Jingyuan Mr.Sun Weichen and Ms.Zhang Guohua have been selected as Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons.  They made remarks as to how they wanted the Chapter to develop.  We sincerely wish the Chapter’s success.

APU would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Beijing Chapter for its donation which amounted 26,000 yen from 20 alumni for the APU Global Leader Development Scholarship Fund.  The donation will be used as the future APU students’ scholarship regardless International or Domestic students.