Recruiting New APU Alumni Association Chairperson
The APU Alumni Association, established in 2003, is composed of 20,658 alumni from 145 countries/regions and 37 chapters (ten in Japan and 27 overseas) as of September 2021. The current Chairperson’s term will end on March 31, 2022. Pursuant to Article 9 of the Regulations of the APU Alumni Association , the Chairperson shall be elected by ballot and the association is inviting interested alumni to stand for Chairperson to take over from April 1, 2022. Please see the details below.
1. Chairperson
•The chairperson will be selected by ballot from board members and chapter/group leaders (except the candidates).
•Chairperson’s term will be four years (a maximum of two terms).
•If the candidate cannot be contacted a week after the deadline, the candidate’s appointment will be nullified.
•The chairperson will choose his/her own vice-chair.
(To be approved at the board meeting following the appointment)
•The desirable qualities of the chairperson
1.Demonstrate appropriate leadership as the public face of the APU Alumni Association.
2.Actively observe the APU 2030 Vision, the university’s mission and the state of world affairs,
and endeavour to expand APU alumni’s networks by explaining the Alumni Association’s vision
and mission to a wide range of university stakeholders.
3.Communicate with board members, chapters,
groups and all alumni and encourage each member to realize their full potential.
•The main role of the chairperson
①Direct and coordinate the APU Alumni Association affairs
②Lead and oversee the Board Team
③Chair the board meetings
④The convocation and chairperson of Alumni Association meetings
⑤Participate in the graduation ceremony and events related to the Ritsumeikan Trust (an integrated academy accommodating a total of approximately 50,000 students)
(The Chairperson does not need to participate in all the events which is held around the world, since the attendance can be made in collaboration with the vice-chairs and other board members)
2. To stand as a candidate
•Please prepare and send the following:
①Fill out the 申請用紙 (Please write in Japanese and English)
②Make a three-minute video (election speech)
③Send ① and ② to APU Alumni Association Secretariat (
•Deadline: Tuesday, November 30 2021 JST
3. Schedule
Friday, October 29, 2021: Application process begins
Tuesday, November 30, 2021: Deadline for applications
Friday, December 10, 2021: Election activities begin
Friday, December 24, 2021: Election activities end
Monday, January 17, 2022: Voting begins
Sunday, January 30, 2022: Voting ends
Second week of February 2022: Announcement of results and selection of representatives
4. Inquiries
APU Alumni Association Election Board
(Secretariat of APU Alumni Association)
Tel:+81-977-78-1103 Fax:+81-977-78-1113