(English only)2012.12.15(土)APU African Resource Centre (ARC) 発会式
The APU African Resource Centre (ARC) was launched on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at the Pacific Café on campus. The event was graced by Hon. T. Sekao, First Secretary of the Embassy of Botswanaand Hon. N. Wanjala, First Secretary of the Embassy of Kenya. In attendance were a total of 50 persons, including APU students, graduates, faculty and staff as well as people from the local community. This event was scheduled to take place on the day immediately after the African Week grand finale.
Doors opened at 11:30 am and the ceremony started at 11:30 with a welcome address by Professor Sanga. This was followed by introduction of guests from embassies, a welcome address by APU Vice President Mani. A, a brief presentation about the APU Student & Alumni Association by Manager Shinozaki and a presentation explaining the founding objectives of the ARC.
The guests from the embassies then gave their speeches where they expressed their joy at being invited to be part of this initiative and their hopes to build stronger relationship with APU.
The nominations for new leaders of the ARC were then read out and approved by those present. The Chair and Coordinator then made brief speeches leading to the launch declaration. With this the ceremony came to an end, making way for the reception, which was held at the same venue.
The mood at the reception was very upbeat as students, embassy representatives and other invited guests mingled and got to know each other better over a buffet. The event was a success and we hope that the future of APU will be long and bright.
ARC Leaders (2012)
- CHAIRPERSON Mr. Yankho Joy Fungatira (Malawi)
- COORDINATOR Mr. Joseph Quarshie (Ghana)
- TREASURER Mr. Samuel Nganga (Kenya)
- PROJECT MANAGER 1 Ms. Wame Gabaake (Botswana)
- PROJECT MANAGER 2 Mr. Eugene Wanyama (Kenya)
- ADVISOR Prof. Sanga Ngoie Kazadi (Congo DRC)